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NFPA 1851- 2020 Edition

Section states:

Any PPE or garment that is known or suspected to be contaminated with bulk chemical, asbestos, or other designated hazardous substances, body fluids, or other microbial contamination, or products of combustion from a structural or other fire is subject to preliminary exposure reduction. 


Why is it important for fire departments to have

routine gear cleaning , annual NFPA advance inspection in addition to a scheduled maintenance plan?


  • NFPA 1851 2020 edition is now recommending:

       1 annual advance inspection and             2 advance cleanings per 12 month         period

  • ​Reduce risk of injury due to damaged, unrepaired or malfunctioning PPE 

  • Remove cancer causing carcinogens, reducing risks to your emergency staff, bio-hazards & cross contamination

  • "Invisible" damage like moisture barrier leaks, faulty seal tape internal thermal liner wear & tear that would be undetectable unless proper hydro-static testing and advance inspection was conducted

Save money

  • Maximize the NFPA 10 year lifespan

  • Repairing small damage points before they worsen over time and create increased repair costs

  • Keep on top of budget spending with detailed PPE cost breakdown reports

  • FREE return shipping for bunker gear and PPE cleaning & repair for out of province customers

     ($500 minimum order, some restrictions apply*)​

  • ​

Keep records

  • Accurate cost breakdowns

  • Detailed NFPA advance inspection reports

  • Robust serial number reporting with customized filters for budget analysis

  • The FIRM's proprietary cloud based software system "Synergy" has instant data reporting from FD portal to ISP site (coming soon)

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